mercredi, septembre 14, 2011

Cisco 887V or 887VA on Belgacom VDSL2

I was asked many times to provide a valid and working config for either a Cisco 887V (VDSL2) or Cisco 887VA (ADSL+VDSL2), and decided to post it somewhere for everyone's benefit.

For the context, I'm using EDPnet as a service provider. It should not change the configuration much for other providers using Belgacom's VDSL2. Irrespective of your provider, you'll still be connected to Belgacom equipment (Alcatel DSLAM), and they use an Ikanos chipset.

First of all, make sure you have an appropriate version of Cisco IOS runnig.

  • With the Cisco 887V, the only version of IOS that I have found to be running fine is Cisco IOS 15.0(1)M5. Later releases introduce a new chipset firmware and VDSL does not sync anymore. This model has been replaced by the new multimode Cisco 887VA.
  • With the Cisco 887VA, it works well for me with Cisco IOS 15.2(1)T. Both models are using Broadcom chipset, but the 887VA is multimode ADSL, ADSL2, ADSL2+ and VDSL2.
The configuration forces the Broadcom chipset to engage in Ikanos-compatible mode, with the "model co5" command. Don't skip it. The PPPoE connection itself has to be over Dot1Q 10, hence the reason for "interface Ethernet0.10".

Here's the interesting part of the configuration:

controller VDSL 0
 modem co5
interface Ethernet0
 no ip address

interface Ethernet0.10
 description pppoe bridging from controller vdsl 0 to dialer 1
 encapsulation dot1Q 10
 ip nat outside
 ip virtual-reassembly in
 pppoe enable
 pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1

interface ATM0
 no ip address
 no atm ilmi-keepalive

interface Vlan1
 bandwidth inherit
 ip address
 ip nat inside
 ip virtual-reassembly in
 ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
interface Dialer1
 mtu 1492
 ip address negotiated
 no ip redirects
 no ip unreachables
 ip nat outside
 ip virtual-reassembly in
 encapsulation ppp
 load-interval 30
 dialer pool 1
 dialer-group 1
 ppp authentication chap callin
 ppp chap hostname
 ppp chap password
 ppp direction callout
 ppp ipcp header-compression ack
 ppp ipcp dns request accept
 ppp ipcp address accept
 no cdp enable

ip nat inside source list 23 interface Dialer1 overload
ip route Dialer1
access-list 23 permit

dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit

As you can see, this is working:

887V#show controllers VDSL 0
Controller VDSL 0 is UP

Daemon Status:         Up

            XTU-R (DS)        XTU-C (US)
Chip Vendor ID:        'BDCM'             'IKNS'
Chip Vendor Specific:   0x0000             0x0000
Chip Vendor Country:    0xB500             0xB500
Modem Vendor ID:    'CSCO'             '    '
Modem Vendor Specific:  0x4602             0x0000
Modem Vendor Country:   0xB500             0x0000
Serial Number Near:    FCZ1509C0P5 887VA-K9 15.2(1)  
Serial Number Far:     ^A
Modem Version Near:    15.2(1)
Modem Version Far:     0x0000

Modem Status:         TC Sync (Showtime!)
DSL Config Mode:     AUTO
Trained Mode:         G.993.2 (VDSL2) Profile 17a
TC Mode:         PTM
Selftest Result:     0x00
DELT configuration:     disabled
DELT state:         not running
Trellis:         ON              ON
SRA:                 disabled             disabled
 SRA count:          0             0
Bit swap:          enabled             enabled
 Bit swap count:     10             18
Line Attenuation:      0.0 dB          0.0 dB
Signal Attenuation:      0.0 dB          0.0 dB
Noise Margin:         14.0 dB         15.6 dB
Attainable Rate:    62532 kbits/s         18144 kbits/s
Actual Power:         12.9 dBm         -13.2 dBm
Per Band Status:           D1     D2     D3     U0     U1     U2     U3
Line Attenuation(dB):   7.8    16.8    26.7    N/A    14.4    21.6    N/A   
Signal Attenuation(dB): 7.8    16.8    26.7    N/A    14.1    21.2    N/A   
Noise Margin(dB):       14.2    16.1    12.6    N/A    17.3    15.2    N/A   
Total FECS:        564             24344763
Total ES:        0             165
Total SES:        0             21
Total LOSS:        0             0
Total UAS:        0             0
Total LPRS:        0             0
Total LOFS:        0             0
Total LOLS:        0             0

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

great scott, heb je toevallig ook een idee hoe de iptv binnen te krijgen? Zit ik nog op te zoeken :(

Anonyme a dit…

do you also have an idea on how to get iptv working?

Anonyme a dit…

Here you find a IPTV config for the 886va

Works without any issues.

Unknown a dit…

I have used your example. It seems to work fine, but the PPP session gets lost after about a week. The line stays in sync (according to EDPNet). The session does not get back until a reboot of the router
This happens on 4 different ADSL and VDSL lines.

Any clues?

3mmanuel a dit…

Hi Joris -- This was working for me until last week with EDPnet until I had to move to another platform due to Proximus vectoring compliance enforcement. Back to your question if PPPoE does not re-establish anymore, what does the log says? (try on the console "debug pppoe errors", "debug pppoe events", "debug pppoe packets")?

Instead of a reboot, what if you clear the PPPoE session instead ("clear pppoe all")?

If clearing works, then maybe a software upgrade of your IOS release will help. If you, you can also use EEM to execute the clear command once the interface falls down.

Anonyme a dit…

Hello Emmanuel,

This is a great post, thx for sharing the info.
How does it work nowadays with the Proximus vectoring compliance you were refering to?

You still get your cisco's internal modem working or you need the bbox in front of it?

3mmanuel a dit…

Because this router is not whitelisted to be used on Proximus network, your profile will be downgraded to the repair state if you're not using one of the approved modems. As far as I know only their own BBox and some Fritz! modems are approved.

I'm personally using Fritz. This is a far cry from Cisco, but the best one can get at this point.

Hope this helps,

Anonyme a dit…

Note that in my case it does not even work at all (the VDSL session is not establishing).
I added some pastes down here; if you have any clue that would be really nice :)
- vdsl debug :
- show controller vdsl 0 :
- cisco config; relevant parts :